Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bouncing Back

Mom is feeling better. The third round of chemo hit her harder, and it has taken her more time to get some energy back. She was wondering if she would feel better before the next round. Praise God, by Friday, Mom was feeling better. She forced herself to get out of the house Friday afternoon. She and Ron went to watch the new mayor get sworn in. She stayed in the car, but enjoyed seeing a few people. Afterwards, she and Ron went to Greenville to eat at Ruby Tuesday's. When I arrived at her house shortly after 7 p.m., she was in good spirits. Saturday was an even better day. Mom was her wonderful sassy self. We cooked in the kitchen and sat outside on the patio for a couple of hours. Her energy stayed up throughout the day. She felt okay Sunday, but the lack of rest from the previous two days was catching up with her. She stayed in her chair most of the day.

I called her about an hour ago and some ladies from work had stopped by to have lunch with her. I am so glad that people take time out of their lives to call, stop by, send a card or a dish or whatever. I know that it helps her feel less alone in her fight. She has expressed frustration with not being able to go and do like she wants. I told her to focus on the things that she is able to do and not the things she no longer has the energy for. She and Ron are planning to go to the lake this weekend. Mom said numerous times this past weekend that she hopes the weather will be pretty. I hope that it will be. Until next time, God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shirley,
    So glad to read these updates from Kelly. She does a wonderful job.
    And, glad to hear that you and Ron are planning to go to the lake this weekend. Today is Friday and we are in Birmingham with Ben and his family and the weather is very nice. Hope that it continues for you. Will be a nice get away for you both.
    I pray for you each day and my prayer is that God will continue to give you His strength and you will feel His Healing Power within each moment of each day. Shirley, you are thought about in a special way and loved dearly.
    Until next time.......
    with love and prayers,
