Thursday, September 16, 2010


My days are running together. I won't go over every detail about what has taken place since my last post. I just wanted to update you all on where we are now. Mom has gone from being somewhat alert but just not that responsive in conversation to not being alert or responsive at all. She no longer eats or drinks, and her pain medicine is given through an IV as she has not been able to swallow a pill for over a week now. Her breathing varies and, at times, she has long pauses in between a series of breaths. That type of breathing may continue for hours and then it changes back to a somewhat normal rhythm. Her blood pressure is extremely low. It is so low that we cannot really get a reading on it. She moans from time to time as if she is in pain. Her temperature spikes on occasion, and we use ice packs to bring it back down. On Sunday, we thought that she might pass within 24 hours, but Mom is still with us. I pray that what we see as suffering is not how she feels. The family is with her everyday. I don't know what I would do without them, especially my aunt. Everyone has been so good to us. I always knew that my Mom was a special lady; I am just realizing that so many others think so, too. Love you all. God Bless!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Take My Hand, Precious Lord

At the end of last week, we called in hospice. They have been a blessing and big help to us. These ladies that work at Evergreen Hospice are amazing; they are truly called to do what they do. Mom has really declined since Friday. She is nonresponsive most of the time and is now confined to the bed. We decided to bring in a hospital bed. I don't know how we would make it without it. Mom doesn't seem to be in much pain now, and we pray that continues to be the case. She only eats a little bit every day, and the only thing that seems to work is yogurt, something congealed, or some boost with ice cream. I am just thankful she is eating anything at all. She is starting to have a difficult time swallowing, which makes it difficult to administer medicines and food. With the help of hospice, though, we should be able to find solutions to any problems that may arise.

The family is taking it day by day, trying our best to hold it together and do what we need to do to be there for Mom. We don't know what we would do without our friends and family. We appreciate everything everyone has done so much, even if it simply is a message of love and prayer. We cannot begin to describe how much it means to us. We pray, and we ask that you pray that Mom not suffer any more. We feel that Mom will pass within a couple of weeks. We have been told that she is at a point where she could pass at any time. As much as I want my Mom to live, she isn't really living at this point. Watching her die right before my eyes from a cruel and horrible disease is almost more than I can bare. Thank God, it is not more than He can bare. I cry out to Jesus, and I feel Him right beside me. I know that God is merciful, and I pray that he bestows his mercy upon the most gracious lady I have ever known.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Not Doing Well

Mom had a wonderful birthday. I can't even begin to try to describe it. I won't go into detail, but it was magical. I think it touched the heart of everyone in the house that day. Mom's mental clarity was good the week of her birthday. We lowered her dose of pain meds. The pain was kept at bay, and her mind greatly improved. One of her best friends came and spent a few days with her. We all went to the lake the weekend of the 20th. Mom got to go on another boatride, and we all really had a wonderful time.

Sadly, a few days after Mom returned, her mental clarity took a turn backwards. Mom was determined to go to the lake this past weekend. We went, but there was no boatride this time. Mom is not doing well. Her quality of life has really declined the past 4 days. She can barely function. She sleeps most all day and night. She isn't eating. She can barely move. I think we may have reached a point where she will spend nearly all her time in bed. We are trying to decide whether to call in home health or hospice. Although she and the family appreciate the sentiment, Mom is not up for visitors. It breaks our hearts to see her struggling. I pray that she doesn't have to suffer any longer.

Monday, August 16, 2010

What to say?

I don't even know where to begin this post. I guess I will start with what all has been happening the past couple of weeks. On the Thursday we received the bad news from the recent PET scan the doctors basically told Mom that the cancer had spread significantly and that she could pursue chemo but the doctor did not recommend she do that. When Mom asked the doctor how long she had left to live, the doctor gave her 3-6 months. I felt like it would be closer to 3 months. Mom is not doing well. Mom has trouble completing a thought. Most times she doesn't even make sense. I thought at first that it was the pain medicine, but over the past week our family no longer thinks that is the case. I do not know if the cancer has spread to the brain. The PET scan is not a scan that detects cancer in the brain. (MRIs are the test that would be used.) If it has not spread to the brain, the disease definitely is affecting it. Her mental decline has happened so fast.

Mom went to the lake the Saturday after receiving the news. She remained there until Wednesday. She says being at the lake is peaceful. I would rather she be at home right now, but it is not about what I want. It is about what this amazing lady wants. Sadly, I don't know how much longer she will be able to make the trip. Mom can barely move. Thursday, she and Ron returned to the doctor. She spoke with her radiologist and then with her oncologist. Again, the doctor advised her against chemo. I don't know what brought about the change in prognosis as far as time, but the doctor told her that she was likely looking at 4-8 weeks. So, at this point, there hasn't been an official decision, but further chemo does appear to be out of the question. It wouldn't change her overall prognosis. I knew that things could change quickly, and it has, but you still aren't prepared for it when it does. She returned to the lake on Friday, and returned home this afternoon. Mom was determined to go on a boat ride. We were able to manage it, and she thoroughly enjoyed it. Her birthday is Wednesday. After that, I have no idea what she will want to do or feel like doing. I just pray that she does not suffer pain. Watching her now is hard enough, I cannot bear to watch her suffer any more.

Mom would like to thank anyone who has said a prayer on her behalf. Even in this nightmare, we praise God. He has been with us through everything and has provided and met our needs. He doesn't always give us what we want, but He knows and gives us what we really need. God didn't give Mom cancer. He wouldn't do that, but He does have the power to cure her. When discussing this subject with someone (and you know who you are), that person said, "Yes, He has the power to cure, but He will only do so if it is for His purpose." So, a cure is not to be, but we will not hold that against Him. This is our temporary home; it's not where we belong. I just know that the place that she is going is beautiful and beyond our wildest imagination. Thanks everyone for everything. Mom has felt your love these past 7 months. It has sustained her through it all. May God bless you and your families.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Mom came home last Thursday. She returned to Mobile on Tuesday for a PET scan. We went back to Mobile today to get the results. The news is not good. The cancer is spreading. The doctor said that we could try a new chemo; however, the doctor also spoke of quality of life. In short, Mom has a decision to make. An impossible decision. Does she take chemo with the hope that it would help some and give her more time or does she reject further treatment and try to make the best of the time she has left? The doctor said that the chemo could wear her down and diminish her quality of life. It is a decision that only Mom can make. Needless to say, we are devastated. Mom has a lot to think about the next few days. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. After this time we need alone as a family, we look forward to hearing from you.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Almost Home

Whew! What a month! I am trying to catch my breath. Okay, on to the news. Mom was released from the hospital Sunday. She completed her radiation on Friday. They removed the last of her IV drip on Saturday afternoon. They were able to manage her pain through oral meds so they released her. Just as we were about to leave, I thought about possible issues getting her prescriptions filled. It was Sunday, and some pharmacies do not have particular medications in stock. I won't go into detail, but it was very stressful. Ron got on the phone and was able to find the medicine. The doctors say that the radiation should continue to work within her body for the next couple of weeks. Mom did not want to go home right away for two reasons: 1) she was concerned that the severe pain would return and she would have to return to the hospital. The possibility of going home and having to make the trip back concerned her. Traveling is hard on Mom so she tries to limit travel, particularly if she cannot rest directly afterwards. 2) she has a doctor's appointment on Thursday morning. Mom wanted to stay put until after her doctor's appointment. The prospect of traveling home, then returning on Wednesday afternoon and then going back home on Thursday was too much for her. When Mom was released, she and I went to the camper. The Gorums have been gracious enough to bring their camper to Mobile. Providence Hospital has a space for a few campers. They have electricity, water, and sewer. The camper has a slide-out so it is plenty of room for Mom to get around on her walker.

Mom was very emotional Monday. She is tired. We all are tired of this circumstance we find ourselves in. Mom is tired of not feeling well. She is very weak. She sleeps alot. I am sure the pain medicine makes her drowsy. Mom did well physically until Monday night. She was in alot of pain and was in tears. I thought, "Oh no. We are going to have to go straight back to the hospital." Mom did not want to go back. I gave her all the medicine I could give her at the time and prayed really really hard. Within an hour, Mom got some relief. God is good! I cannot begin to put into words how God has provided these past few days.

So Mom is out of the hospital, but not home yet. She should be home Thursday. Please continue to pray for Mom, the doctors, and the caregivers. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. Thanks for taking time out of your day to call, stop by or to send a card or a dish. We are hanging in there, but it is so tough. It is truly one of those things that you cannot possibly express what it is like to go through. One cannot possibly understand until you have been there. I know many of you have been there and know exactly what we are going through. A cancer survivor gave us some advice shortly after Mom's diagnosis. She said to take it one day at a time. Truer words have never been spoken. One day at a time.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Mom is still in the hospital. Hopefully, she will be able to go home soon. I think everyone is shooting for a Friday release, but that may be very optimistic. If not Friday, maybe it won't be too much longer. The doctors were finally able to control the pain through the IV. They decided to hold off on trying to manage her pain through oral medication so that Mom could get through the radiation treatments. Yesterday, the doctors decided that since she had received 7 treatments they would try to reduce the pain medicine in the IV drip. They are reducing the amount slowly and increasing the oral medication. We do not know at this point if Mom's pain has reduced the past few days because the radiation helped or because the pain meds had been increased. The next few days will be very telling. If they can remove her from her IV drip and control the pain via oral medicine then the radiation will have helped, and she can be released. I know she is past ready to go home. It is almost time for another PET scan. The scan should come shortly. In a couple of weeks the doctors will likely start more chemo, trying out a new combination of chemo drugs. They want to find a combo that all the cancer will respond to.

Just a little story to share with you: On Saturday, Mom wanted to "fix up." She had on some cute leopard print capri pajamas. The set looked like an outfit instead of pjs. We decided that we would put her on some makeup and earrings, put her hair in a ponytail (first time in years), and get a wheelchair. She was ready to get out of that room and ready to feel presentable again. We rolled down to the hospital gift shop. Mom got to enjoy her favorite pasttime, shopping. She really enjoyed it. She had several visitors on Sunday, and I think everyone was surprised to see her fixed up. She looked really good. I know it lifted her spirits.

I will let you know something when I know something more to tell. God Bless!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Still in Hospital

Sorry for the delay in updating the results of the MRI. I have been at the hospital in Mobile for the past 6 days. The MRI was not done until Friday. Mom could not stay in a particular position for the amount of time it would take to complete the MRI. After two attempts, the doctors decided that they would have to use anesthesia to perform the MRI. It was scheduled and performed on Friday. Mom was extremely upset that she had not been able to do the MRI. Thursday and Friday were some of the toughest days she has had yet. She was very emotional and down. However, Saturday was a new day -- a day where everyone seemed to regroup and things began to progress. The orthopedic doctor told us that there was nothing to be done surgically. As I have stated previously, Mom has cancer in her leg/pelvic area which has spread from her lung and has caused a fracture. The fracture is actually located in the pelvis, which radiates the pain down her left leg. The doctors are unable to determine what exactly has caused the increase in pain. The fracture may have become deeper and larger or another possibility is that the cancer appears to have spread to some of the surrounding bone tissue near the fracture. This tissue is where the pain receptors and nerves are found. It was decided that radiation was the direction to take in hopes that this would help with the cancer and pain in that area. Radiation began Monday and will take place Monday through Friday for 2 to 3 weeks. The length of the radiation will depend on how Mom does. If she feels better after 10 treatments, then they will stop. The doctors have not been able to get her pain under control through oral medication. She is administered pain meds through an IV and through oral medication. Until the doctors can get her pain under control through oral medication alone, they will not release her from the hospital. Mom is right where she needs to be right now; however, we hope that the radiation will work and that we will see some improvement by Tuesday. We hope that she doesn't have to stay in the hospital the entire length of the radiation. The doctors also took into consideration that Mom doesn't live in Mobile, and they did not think the daily trips to and from Mobile would be something that she could handle well. A couple of weeks after the radiation is complete, provided that Mom is able, the doctors will try a different chemo regimen. Although the particular chemo combination was working in most areas of Mom's body, it was not working in the pelvis. The doctors want to try a different combination. Mom is in Providence Hospital in Mobile in Room 1235. She is not able to receive food, flowers, or fruit, due to hospital restrictions in that particular unit. I am at home for a couple of days and will head back down to Mobile Friday. I will update in a few days.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

In the Hospital

Mom was scheduled for her 8th round of chemo today. With each passing week, her leg and pain get worse. A couple of weeks ago she finally had to give in and use a wheelchair. I know that she really didn't want to, but she had no choice. Today, when the doctor realized the pain she was in, she decided to postpone her 8th round of chemo and do an MRI on the leg. The doctor wanted to admit her into the hospital (Providence in Mobile) to administer a drip of pain meds so that hopefully they can get Mom's pain under control to do the MRI. I hope she is out by Thursday or Friday. I just pray that Mom can get some relief. She has been such a fighter, but I can tell that the pain is taking a toll. She cried when I spoke to her on the phone today. It broke my heart. I will let you all know when I have any more news.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Post 7th round update

Mom had her seventh round of chemo last Thursday. As I mentioned in a prior post, Mom's leg has been causing her a great deal of pain. She spoke with her doctor about it. The doctor indicated that they could stop the chemo and pursue radiation or they could try to cope with it as best they could for the next few weeks until the scheduled chemo is complete. Mom decided to up her pain meds and to try to hold out until after her scheduled 8 rounds of chemo. She will have her 8th round on July 6th. At some point during the days after that round, Mom should have another PET scan of her entire body and an MRI on her leg. She and the doctors will decide where to go from there. They may want to do radiation on the leg. They may put her on a maintenance type drug and give her a break from the chemo. Mom is just focusing on getting through this next round of chemo. This past round made her sick Saturday and Sunday. The pain meds have helped some with the pain, but they also make her drowsy. She is resting alot and trying to stay off her leg. Her spirits and faith remain strong. I know that she feels a peace only God can give. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. Please, in your own way, let her know that you are still thinking of her. Thanks so much. God Bless!

Monday, June 7, 2010

7th Round this week

How is everyone? Good, I hope. Sorry for the delay in posting. I was at the lake with Mom from May 28th until June 6th. The internet connection was acting up and I couldn't update the blog. It was so good to be able to spend some time with Mom. Unfortunately, Mom's leg has been causing her extreme discomfort. As some of you may know, cancer spread to her leg/pelvic area and caused a fracture. The leg caused her extreme pain at first, but the doctors were able to get the pain under control. That has changed over the past few weeks. We are not sure if Mom is experiencing more pain due to the leg getting worse or if the fact that the doctor decreased her daily dosage of steriods has caused her to feel the pain more. She has mentioned the pain to her doctor and has been trying to manage the pain with medicine; however, Mom can barely do anything. Hopefully, she will get some relief and some answers soon. She goes for her 7th round of chemo this Thursday. Other than the leg pain, Mom is doing really well. She still has her hair (I mention it because people usually wonder) and her energy is pretty good. She looks good. She says she feel good other than the leg pain. I cannot believe that it has been almost 5 months since her diagnosis. Her outlook remains positive. Thank you all for being there. You make such a difference. Much love to you all. God Bless!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Finally....An Update!

Mom has not bounced back after her 5th round of chemo. Eight days after receiving her 5th round of chemo, Mom had a headache and severe nausea. She went to the doctor, who decided to admit her to the hospital for the night to get some fluids in her system. After arriving at the hospital, she discovered that her potassium count was extremely low as well as her blood count. She received two pints of blood and some potassium. She was able to leave late the next day, just in time for Mother's Day. She felt really good after leaving the hospital. However, that enery burst did not last. Her counts remained okay, but her energy did not return. Mom has been getting alot of rest and trying to remain upbeat. We went to the lake this past weekend. She pushed herself Friday and Saturday, and by Saturday afternoon, she was wiped out. She slept all day Monday. She gets tired of sitting around the house. I can't believe that she has another round of chemo this Thursday. I just don't know how she is going to handle it. Please continue to pray for her.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Good Report

Today we received the PET scan results. Mom was really anxious last night. She was afraid she would be so nervous this morning that she would not be able to stand it. When Mom awoke this morning, she had such peace. The Lord continues to touch us. He amazes me continuously, and I hope to never take his love and power for granted. His strength is perfect.

We were also blessed with good news from the scan. All spots of cancer had reduced in size, except for one spot. The spot that has caused a fracture in her left leg near her pelvic area has not reduced in size. Mom's battle has only just begun, but to hear that she is responding to the chemo is exactly what we wanted to hear. She is set to receive 4 more rounds of chemo with 3 weeks between each round. After that, the doctor told her that she would be placed on a pill-form maintenance drug. She was supposed to receive more chemo today if the doctor thought it best to continue with chemo, which the doctor did; however, Mom's veins have not been cooperating. After sticking her 4 times in an attempt to find a vein to draw blood to see if her counts were okay to continue with chemo, the doctor decided that Mom would need a pic-line inserted into her arm. Mom was thrilled to hear that she would no longer be stuck on a regular basis. Her arms look terrible. They are so bruised from all the sticking these past 3 months. This line will hopefully remain in place throughout the treatments. The line could not be inserted until Thursday so we came on back home without her having a chemo treatment. She should receive another treatment Thursday after they insert the pic-line.

Mom is doing pretty well. She still has her hair. She still uses a cane or walker to get around on her leg, and she feels good most days. She tires really easily and the first 10 days after chemo really takes her energy. Just when she begins to wonder if she will ever feel good again, she gains some energy back. She hasn't really been nauseated. All in all, she is doing well. She is a tough cookie. Thank you for all your prayers. Your support means more to us than you know.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Anxious/PET scan

Tuesday, April 27th, (tomorrow) we should get the results from the PET scan. Those results should tell us what effect the chemo is having. We are very anxious. I will update you as soon as I can. I pray that we receive good news.

Friday, April 16, 2010

At the Lake

As Mom receives more and more chemo, it is taking her longer to regain her energy. She gets extremely tired after chemo. Fortunately, that appears to be the only significant side effect right now. When she had not bounced back after her last treatment after 10 days, it really got her down. I think she pushed herself too hard and did not get the rest she needed. I told her to hang in there, get plenty of rest, and she should feel better by this past Tuesday. She followed instructions and began to feel better on Tuesday the 13th. Since then, she has felt pretty good. We are at the lake this weekend. We went on a boat ride this afternoon. The waters were calm, and we went really slow. She really enjoyed it. We are going prom dress shopping tomorrow with Delana and Doris. We used to all go shopping together for my dresses when I was in high school, and we haven't done that with Delana yet. It should be fun. May God continue to bless you and your families.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Short and Sweet

I don't have much to say other than I just wanted to let everyone know that Mom was able to attend the family gathering on Easter Sunday. It was a wonderful time, and she really enjoyed it. The weather was absolutely gorgeous. She has been really tired, though, this past week. Maybe she will feel better by Saturday. That was the day she felt better after the previous round.

Friday, April 2, 2010

4th Round

Time flies. I can't believe it has been over a week since I last posted. We had a good weekend at the lake. We didn't get to spend as much time outside as we would have liked due to the wind. It was a little chilly. Fortunately, it looks like spring has finally decided to join us. The past few days have been absolutely gorgeous. The weatherman just reported that we are in for a beautiful Easter Sunday. Mom had her fourth round of chemo yesterday. I spoke with her briefly today. She is really tired, and if this round does her like the last round, she should be sleeping alot in the coming days. She should have a pet scan in about three weeks. We should get the results on the 27th -- that is when her next doctor's appointment is scheduled. Please continue to pray for her healing. I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter. We have a family gathering planned. Hopefully Mom will be able to go for a little while. I will let you know. God Bless!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bouncing Back

Mom is feeling better. The third round of chemo hit her harder, and it has taken her more time to get some energy back. She was wondering if she would feel better before the next round. Praise God, by Friday, Mom was feeling better. She forced herself to get out of the house Friday afternoon. She and Ron went to watch the new mayor get sworn in. She stayed in the car, but enjoyed seeing a few people. Afterwards, she and Ron went to Greenville to eat at Ruby Tuesday's. When I arrived at her house shortly after 7 p.m., she was in good spirits. Saturday was an even better day. Mom was her wonderful sassy self. We cooked in the kitchen and sat outside on the patio for a couple of hours. Her energy stayed up throughout the day. She felt okay Sunday, but the lack of rest from the previous two days was catching up with her. She stayed in her chair most of the day.

I called her about an hour ago and some ladies from work had stopped by to have lunch with her. I am so glad that people take time out of their lives to call, stop by, send a card or a dish or whatever. I know that it helps her feel less alone in her fight. She has expressed frustration with not being able to go and do like she wants. I told her to focus on the things that she is able to do and not the things she no longer has the energy for. She and Ron are planning to go to the lake this weekend. Mom said numerous times this past weekend that she hopes the weather will be pretty. I hope that it will be. Until next time, God Bless!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Quick Update

The third round of chemo hit Mom a little harder. She has been really tired and hasn't bounced back as quickly. In anticipation that as more and more chemo drugs get into her system she will become more lethargic, the doctor gave her a B12 shot. The good news is that she has not experienced any nausea after this treatment. Her appetite is still good, and she still has her hair--although we have heard that she could wake up any day and it all be gone and laying on her pillow. I will update more this weekend. I plan on spending the weekend with her. Wonder what's on the Kelly-do list? Ha! I don't mind it at all. No matter what I do, I can never repay her for the wonderful Mother she has been to me. I don't know what I did to deserve her, but I am so blessed. She is AMAZING!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Treatment Day

It has been some time since my last post so let me get you all updated. Last week, Mom did not feel too well. She had sinus trouble. She went to the doctor, who gave her a shot and a prescription. The medicine helped, but it made her very drowsy. So, she slept alot and didn't have much energy. By Friday, she was feeling better. She and Ron came to stay the weekend with me. She really enjoyed it. We went to the mall for a couple of hours on Saturday and then went out to eat Saturday night. As long as she is up for it and we have some breaks in between, she does pretty good.

Mom has her 3rd round of chemo treatment today. I pray that she continues to handle it as well as she has been. I know she will be tired the next few days following her treatment. We really won't know if the treatment is working until her next PET scan, which should be some time in mid-April. Insurance will only pay for a PET scan every 90 days. Thanks for your continued support and prayers.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Still Blogging

I intended to update the blog this past week, but my internet would not cooperate. Not much new to report. Mom has had a decent week. I am visiting with her as we speak. I usually try to come one day out of the weekend and spend about 8 hours. I get tickled because every weekend she has what I like to call a "Kelly-do" list(instead of a "honey-do" list). The items on the list varies from weekend to weekend but usually involves me cooking something at some point. She is determined to make a cook out of me yet. This weekend was homemade macaroni and cheese. I am actually enjoying learning how to make new dishes. I was also going to make her a breakfast casserole (my recipe) she requested but can you believe there were no english muffins in this town! Ron tried the two grocery stores and the dollar store. Anyways, Mom is doing pretty well. Blessings and hugs to you all.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Update

Well, I didn't update Saturday night like I stated I would. When Mom went to bed at 8:00 p.m., so did I. Mom stayed in bed most of Saturday. She was tired, and I think the nausea medicine makes her drowsy as well. She would wake up to eat something for lunch and dinner and would sit up in bed and chat for about an hour and a half each time. She woke up early Sunday morning.....maybe around 6:30 a.m. She said she was ready to get out of that bed. She has been in her recliner since then. She is trying to not take any nausea medicine today. We ordered her some items from a catalog Mrs. Betty Rigsby brought by the other day. Thanks Mrs. Betty! At Mom's request, I made some more banana pudding. Mom is taking a nap right now in her chair. I think by not taking the nausea medicine today she has not been as sleepy because she has been awake most of the day. Thank you all for your prayers and support. I heard someone with cancer say one time that at first everyone is there for you and then they all disappear. It has been a month since Mom's diagnosis. People are still there for us. I pray that continues. It gives us strength. I have been deeply touched and INSPIRED by others.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

As Expected

Mom slept most of Friday evening. She went to bed around 2:00 p.m. She tried to stir around about 5:30 p.m., but had a headache. She wanted to "nip it in the bud" before it got worse so she took some medicine and went back to bed. The medicine makes her drowsy. She got back up around 8:30 p.m. with no headache! She felt good enough to take a shower and dry her hair. She didn't feel like eating. I think the treatment is really starting to affect her taste. She says she can't taste anything. She stayed up for a about an hour and a half, took her nighttime medicine and went back to bed. She got up around 8:30 a.m. Saturday morning with some slight nausea. She took something for nausea and was eventually able to eat most of a biscuit for breakfast. Around 11:00 a.m., she went back to bed. She is just really tired. Hopefully, that will pass after a few days. We expected her to be tired for a few days after the treatment. Overall, she is doing pretty well. I will update later on tonight.

Friday, February 19, 2010

So far so good

Yesterday went better than Mom expected. She felt okay, and they were done and headed home around 1:45. On the way home, Mom requested Ron stop and get her some icecream. He bought a pint, and she almost ate the entire pint! I say good for her! I expected that she would come home and crawl in the bed, but she felt pretty good the rest of the day. She ate a good supper and was still doing well at 7:30 p.m. I just arrived for the weekend. Mom is in the bed. She didn't sleep too well last night, but she has tried to rest some today. She finally decided to get in the bed instead of dozing on and off in the recliner. Mom will likely be tired the next couple of days so it may be best for anyone wanting to visit to come some time next week. If you want to bring something by but don't want to disturb anyone, feel free to leave it at the door with a note. I will check periodically to see if there is anything out there. Thank you for all your prayers. I will update either later on tonight or on Saturday. Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Prayer Request

Mom and Ron left a few minutes ago heading to a friend's house in the Fairhope area to spend the night. She has a doctor's appointment and is scheduled for the next round of chemo in Mobile Thursday at 9:30 a.m. She thought it would be best to travel down tonight so tomorrow wouldn't be so tough on her. It is likely going to be a long day. Mom sounded really tired when she left. I hope she gets a good night's sleep. Please pray that the chemo is doing its job and that this next round is not too hard on her. I will try to update more often in the next few days to let everyone know how she is doing.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Out and About

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I kept thinking "I'll post something tomorrow" and before I knew it, a week had passed. Mom is doing good. She had alot of visitors this past week, which she enjoyed. Some ladies from work brought lunch to her house on Thursday, and they spent a couple of hours together.

Figuring that she is as strong as she will be for a while being that her next round of chemo is the 18th, Mom wanted to get out of the house this weekend. After Ron got off work Thursday, Mom and Ron headed up to the lake. She was worried the trip might be hard on her, but it was better than she anticipated. She needed a change of scenery. They, like everyone else, enjoyed the snow; however, they enjoyed it through the window. Saturday, they went to Wal-Mart. Mom wanted to look at some hats. There wasn't much to pick from as Wal-Mart had the summer stuff out. She hasn't lost her hair yet, but she wants to be prepared if that should happen. I drove up Saturday afternoon and spent the night. We are about to leave and head home. Mom wants to stop at another store on the way back and look for hats. She has really enjoyed her time out of the house.

To all my friends and family, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you. Whether you have left a comment, called to check on me (even if you just left a voicemail), given me a hug, or whatever, your thoughts and support have touched me in a way you will never know. I know that at times we think our small actions won't mean anything so we don't even bother to do anything, but they do matter -- at least to me. I know Mom and Ron feel the same way. I hope each and everyone of you have a Happy Valentine's Day. I'll try not to wait so long til the next update.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super (Bowl) Sunday

Mother has been doing pretty well the past few days. Her energy/strength has improved, but I hope that it continues to improve. It doesn't take much for her to lose the little bit of energy she has. When I got to her house on Saturday to visit, she had makeup on -- the first time she has applied makeup since before going into the hospital in Mobile. She looked so pretty. Soon after my arrival, Mother informed me that she wanted me to make her some banana pudding while I was there. We found the recipe, sent Ron to the store, and prayed. I prayed that God would help me make it good so that she would enjoy it. I know banana pudding is not difficult to fix, but for those of you who may not know, I am no cook. I am so thankful that she didn't give me something challenging to fix. With the good Lord's help, I not only made it edible; it was actually good! If the banana pudding is any clue, Mom's appetite is still good. The cards, food, and prayers continue to come, and I am so grateful to have been raised in a place amongst wonderful people. I never knew how much someone's thoughtful gesture could mean. I always wondered why Mom would bake a pie or make a casserole for someone in a similar situation. Just shows how little I knew. Mom certainly has no energy to go to the grocery store. She occasionally will have the energy to cook something small or prepare something easy. I know that as a wife, she would feel badly if Ron wasn't able to eat decent meals. Thankfully, she doesn't have that concern right now. Through the kindness of others, the Lord has provided! I hope you all are doing well. God Bless!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday

The past 3 days have been pretty good for Mom, except for a brief period on Tuesday evening when she got a headache. Fortunately, she was able to keep it at bay with some medicine. No hospital visits required! She has not been as sleepy, and her energy is a little better. She and Ron went for a drive for about 30 minutes on Wednesday. They made a big loop on the big town of Evergreen. She hadn't been out of the house for a week. I know it is is getting old being in the house all the time. I pray that her energy will improve and that she can go and do a little more.
Several people have asked for a list of Mom's favorite foods. I asked Mom what she felt like eating, and she said that she has no clue. I know that people don't want to fix something that she may not like, but Mom is not a picky eater. I am sure she would like most anything someone brings to her. If she doesn't like it, hopefully Ron will! We have to make sure he stays nourished, too. Ha! With all the food they have received, I don't think that is a problem. I was talking with my Aunt Doris today. She has received numerous inquiries about food. It is hard to really say what is needed and when because people have been bringing food by on their own. We never know when someone will show up with something. So, we really can't say when, but I promise I will let you know if they could use some. Aunt Doris said that an idea someone had given her was for a person to not always bring tons of food (an entire meal) at one time. Maybe cook supper and bring Mom and Ron a plate instead of an entire meal. I think that is a great idea. Whatever anyone does is fine and much appreciated. Just thought I would toss it out there. Please continue to pray. Thanks for everything. You really have no idea how much it means to us.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Blessings

I got back a couple of hours ago from visiting with my precious Mother. I was so worried when Mom left the hospital last Wednesday that the migraines were going to continue and that Mom would be in so much discomfort she would be in and out of the hospital. Praise to the Lord, after over 17 straight days with a migraine, Mom has not had one since Wednesday. Mom is moving around better on her leg that has caused her many problems over the past couple of months. She is just still suffering from lack of energy and wanting to sleep all the time. I hope that her energy comes back as I know she is about to go stir crazy sitting around the house.

To help with her energy and overall health, she is eating fairly decent. Her tastes and preferences are different than before. She doesn't always have an appetite, but she makes herself eat because she knows she needs the nourishment. While in the hospital, she made the comment that she would love some jello with fruit in it. I told my Aunt Doris, and she and Tanner stopped by today with orange jello with mandarin oranges. What made it so special was that it was in the shape of a heart. She finally got her jello with fruit. I also want to thank everyone who has brought food. I fixed her a plate for dinner from dishes one of her best friends dropped off. I gave her a little bit of everything, and she said that I had given her too much food. Well, for a bird maybe, Ha! I think she surprised herself when she ate every single bite except for one spoonful.

I also made sure that Mom saw the comments you all have left on the blog. She said that the comments, offers of assistance, food, cards, and prayers mean so much. She said you do not realize how much until you are in that situation. Mom, Ron, and I want to thank all of you for taking a little time out of your lives to show you care. It truly makes a difference! Please continue to pray. God Bless!

Friday, January 29, 2010

People are Amazing

Another day without a headache! Yay! Mom felt okay today other than being a little tired from not resting well the night before. She is truly moved by all the people who are praying for her, sending her cards, and making sure that she and Ron have what they need. She has received cards from people she doesn't even know. People are amazing. God is amazing. If anyone wishes to send her a card, her address is P.O. Box 683, Evergreen, AL 36401. I know that several people have asked about visiting. Mom needs her rest and there may be times that she is not up for visitors; however, knowing Mom she will try to tough it out and visit. I just ask that visitors try to read her mood and if she is not feeling well, keep visits short. Visits are best in the afternoon to give her time to get up, get dressed, eat breakfast, and such. Thanks again for all the prayers and support. Next round of chemo is February 18th.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I have decided to create a place where people can go to get updates on my mother, Shirley Dailey. This blog will also be a good place for people to post messages for her and the family. Since finding out the news, Shirley and the family have received an overwhelming and touching response. We all truly appreciate the prayers, words of comfort, and support. Please continue to pray. Shirley had her first round of chemo on Tuesday. Thursday was a very good day for her. She was feeling better .... no headaches and more energy.