Sunday, February 14, 2010

Out and About

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I kept thinking "I'll post something tomorrow" and before I knew it, a week had passed. Mom is doing good. She had alot of visitors this past week, which she enjoyed. Some ladies from work brought lunch to her house on Thursday, and they spent a couple of hours together.

Figuring that she is as strong as she will be for a while being that her next round of chemo is the 18th, Mom wanted to get out of the house this weekend. After Ron got off work Thursday, Mom and Ron headed up to the lake. She was worried the trip might be hard on her, but it was better than she anticipated. She needed a change of scenery. They, like everyone else, enjoyed the snow; however, they enjoyed it through the window. Saturday, they went to Wal-Mart. Mom wanted to look at some hats. There wasn't much to pick from as Wal-Mart had the summer stuff out. She hasn't lost her hair yet, but she wants to be prepared if that should happen. I drove up Saturday afternoon and spent the night. We are about to leave and head home. Mom wants to stop at another store on the way back and look for hats. She has really enjoyed her time out of the house.

To all my friends and family, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you. Whether you have left a comment, called to check on me (even if you just left a voicemail), given me a hug, or whatever, your thoughts and support have touched me in a way you will never know. I know that at times we think our small actions won't mean anything so we don't even bother to do anything, but they do matter -- at least to me. I know Mom and Ron feel the same way. I hope each and everyone of you have a Happy Valentine's Day. I'll try not to wait so long til the next update.


  1. Thanks for the post. Your mom might want to check with the nearest American Cancer Society office for hats and wigs. I volunteer with the one here in Chattanooga, and they have some for people to choose from. If the nearest one doesn't have any, they may be able to suggest some places for her to look. Also, Hobby Lobby usually has lots of handerchiefs/bandanas with lots of designs.

  2. Thanks Jen. Mom was supposed to meet with something like what you suggested last week, but it was cancelled. She was going to go to a store in Montgomery someone had recommended, but they will be closed this week. She is worried she might not be able to go look for a while so she wanted to go ahead and get a few items.

  3. Glad you had a nice weekend. Snow! Fun from through the window, yes. But the kids were outside playing like mad. I'll try to send over a picture of the four-level snowman that Grace and a friend made with the "kids" next door.

  4. Hi Shirley,

    Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed my visit with you last Thursday. It was so good to see you. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the next chemo treatment goes well this Thursday.

    Lots of Love & Prayers,
    Theresa Ryland

  5. Hi Shirley,
    I read on Kelly's notes where you had been looking for some hats, etc.
    I have a couple of sites that are very good sources. I just wanted to also let you know that you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers each and every day. I pray that God's presence is felt within you and that you know that many are praying for you and love you so much.
    I hope that your next chemo treatment goes well for you this Thursday.
    Here are the sites that might be of interest. I have ordered from both of these sites and the people are very helpful. And, I received my orders quickly.

    much love and prayers,
    betty rigsby
