Saturday, February 27, 2010

Still Blogging

I intended to update the blog this past week, but my internet would not cooperate. Not much new to report. Mom has had a decent week. I am visiting with her as we speak. I usually try to come one day out of the weekend and spend about 8 hours. I get tickled because every weekend she has what I like to call a "Kelly-do" list(instead of a "honey-do" list). The items on the list varies from weekend to weekend but usually involves me cooking something at some point. She is determined to make a cook out of me yet. This weekend was homemade macaroni and cheese. I am actually enjoying learning how to make new dishes. I was also going to make her a breakfast casserole (my recipe) she requested but can you believe there were no english muffins in this town! Ron tried the two grocery stores and the dollar store. Anyways, Mom is doing pretty well. Blessings and hugs to you all.


  1. Hi Shirley,
    Kelly is doing a great job with the blogs and it is so good that we can know how things are going with you.
    I do like the sound of the "Kelly-do" list!!! I know that she is so glad that she can get some things done for you. And, as she said..... you will make a cook out of her yet!!! And, I can tell that she is enjoying learning how to make new dishes.

    If you have received the items that you ordered from tlc, I do hope that they worked for you. I will be anxious to hear.

    Shirley, you are in my thoughts and prayers each day. I pray that you continue to feel God's Presence and His Peace within. And, may you always know that He gives you His strength for your every need.

    till next time,
    May God bless you and keep you in His Loving Care.✟
    with much love and prayers,
    betty rigsby

  2. Hi Shirley,
    Just another day of thinking of you and wanting to let you are thought about very often. And, I pray that God continues to work within you in a great way.

    Hope that you enjoyed your weekend visit with Kelly. Of course, I know that it was good for you and Ron to get away. Those walls can begin to close in when you stay home most of the time.........of course, there is just 'no place like home'. And, I am always ready to get back to my comfort zone!!!

    Please remember....if you ever want to go for a ride or a visit.....or just a telephone visit, I would love to hear from you.

    Take care and know that you are in my prayers daily.
    I pray that God will bless you and keep you in His Loving Care.✟
    with much love and prayers,

    "Laughter is God's sunshine.
    Laughter is the best medicine.
    Take time to laugh for it is the music of the soul.
    Laughter is an Instant Vacation!"
    ~author unknown
